Sunday, March 23, 2014

And So it Ends

Today marked the last day of spring break. Usually, I wouldn't count the weekend as part of the break, but because I was technically working on Friday, I'm counting it.

I'm going to miss break. We have 9 weeks left of school before summer vacation, and these 9 weeks are by far the most stressful. I'm reminded that every year, April and May are my lowest months for running and blogging. I'm just so swamped, stressed, and blinkered. My eyes are set on May 28, and I have time for little else.

It will be hard to say goodbye. During break, I had time to...

Catch up on Candy Crush:
Don't let the level fool you; I'm not addicted. I can stop anytime I want!
 Cook real breakfast:
I'll miss you, morning bacon.
...including plenty of complex carbs:
I couldn't resist!
Run after sunrise:
I'll miss you, daytime park runs.
Hang out with Matt and Archie:
While Matt gets work done at home, Archie does his best to be a cute distraction. I took probably a dozen of these photos while he preened on Matt's hand, and Matt just went about his business...literally.
And catch up on my cute/funny internet memes:
Very, very true!
Also very, very true!
So how did I end my break? The best way I know how. At a baseball game! Elizabeth knows a pitcher with the Boston Red Sox, so he got her free tickets for today's spring training game against the Rays. We joined Elizabeth and her husband Roniel for a hot, sunny day at the ballpark.
The Jet Blue Stadium is really nice, and we had great seats, but...
...we were in the sun from 1-3 pm. My nose is definitely Rudolphy. I even put on SPF 50!
The Rays won 9-2, and even though spring training games don't "count" for the regular season, it was great to celebrate a win at the first game I've attended this year!

Am I ready to go back? Sure. But I'm not going to lie...this time of year is REALLY stressful. I hope to be able to stay on top of blogging and running while the craziness that is quarter 4 unfolds!

What is your favorite breakfast food?
Do you addicted to Candy Crush, or a different app?
Are you a baseball fan?



  1. I'm glad you enjoyed your break! I am really wishing right now that our Summer Vacation started on May 28! We stay in this year until the end of June :( Again, your posts make me wish for the warm sun. We have some sun, but it is accompanied by some fierce winds still.

    And OMG your breakfast looks amazing!!!

    1. We started the first week of August, so that's why we're out so early! Don't be too jealous!

  2. Is that PB on your waffle? What a brilliant idea! I have no idea why I have never put those two items together before.

    Thanks for the Vanicream tip, I am definitely going to swing by Walgreens tomorrow and get some!

    1. Yep, I like to mix it up! PB, Nutella, fruit, etc!

  3. I'm glad you had such a wonderful break, Ali! As a teacher, I know how vital they are to relax and just turn your brain off for awhile. While April and May are def busy, I really love those months... My chorus concert is early this year (May 6th) so luckily that stressor is out of the way and I can relax for the last month of school!

    1. It's true that the last two months are some of the best, because we're swamped but it's all the really fun stuff!

  4. Yay for spring breaks! I hope you have a great 4th quarter! Take some time everyday to relax!!!! :) Before you know it, you will be on summer vaca! Whooo!

  5. This is a fantastic list of things you should try to incorporate (one at a time) into your week for the next 9 weeks! Pick one, do it sometime during that week... it might help brighten the next few weeks. Yay for daytime running!!

    1. You're right, I should try to make sure I'm doing this fun stuff to keep me joyful during the rough patch that is April!
