Let's talk about weird things that pop into my head while I run.
During one particular run, as I chomped on the last bits of a Lifesaver and powered up to conquer the bridge, I randomly started thinking about that saying You've got quite the mouth on you.
And then I thought, what makes a runner's mouth different from other mouths? Quite a lot, actually.
Runners' mouths are full of...
...stringy, sticky spit.
Am I the only runner out there who's terrible at spitting?! Ah, to master the art of the clean spit-hock... |
(Why this lady followed an accidental fly with various other bugs and livestock, I'll never understand.) |
The worst is finishing a run and picking gnats out of your teeth! Blegh!
...swear words.
Fun fact: these symbols used in place of swear words are called a "grawlix". |
Running increases my use of swear words by about 10%. I think the freedom and uninhibited nature of running just draws it out of me!
...gum and candy.
You all know by now that I love Lifesavers and gum during my runs. Do we really need a picture of it?! (Yep.)
...song lyrics.
Sometimes when I really want to just zone out and enjoy my run, I gotta pull out the big guns. |
When it comes to singing on the run, nothing beats 90s power ballads, although Taylor Swift is a close second.
...motivational junk.

I'm willing to bet there's not a runner among us who doesn't use mantras or self-talk at least once during a tough run! I'll admit, I talk to myself all the time (and not only when I run); having a mantra to repeat helps me look a little less crazy.
What did I miss?
Can your mouth identify with this list?
OMG, this post was great! We have not experiencef the gnats here in Nova Scotia yet but I'm sure they will arrive soon since the sun showed up this week. I did not know that using symbols in the place of cursewords was called grawlix?! I agree with the annoyance of picking bugs out of your teeth, but what really annoys me is getting one in the eyeball while I am running. :(
ReplyDeleteOMG gnats in the eyeball is the WORST!
DeleteFun fact: Shakespeare coined the term eyeball.
I will NOT judge you on your CD song haha. I actually used to play/sing that on the piano in HS. I loved that song and the music video was very dramatic! I do not spit while running and don't really ever spit. I actually used to think spitting was soooo gross and for awhile when I was a kid I didn't even spit out my toothpaste... I swallowed it. Isn't that DISGUSTING!? I forgot about it until I read about you spitting. :)
ReplyDeleteI swear A LOT. Running doesn't make me swear more. I just have a very filthy mouth to begin with.
OMG THE VIDEO, YES! It was always my favorite Celine song because I loved the video so much. That motorcycle! The ballgown! The stairwell! I remember it all.
DeleteI try to temper my swearing because otherwise I'm afraid I'll let it slip in class, plus I never know if I'll offend people when I swear in public. But my natural instinct is to use bad words haha.
Haha! This made me laugh! I've only managed to swallow one memorable bug on a run. I coughed and choked very dramatically and probably cursed a whole bunch, too. I Imagine that wont be the last time I deal with that.
ReplyDeleteuuugh the worst is when you feel it go down!
DeleteI definitely talk to myself all the time, especially during runs. I also create a lot of what-if scenarios--I'll be like, "What if a car drives onto the sidewalk right now? Well I could definitely jump onto the hood, I used to be a hurdler. What if I dented the car by landing on it and the person wanted me to fix it? Good thing Dustin's dad does auto body repair." Ridiculous strings of thoughts that are so random (kind of like this comment :) ).
ReplyDeleteI make up scenarios too!! I always imagine how I'd react if a driver went off course or if a rogue cow crossed my path haha.
DeleteWhen I was running I did talk to myself, and sing along with my song list hahaha!
I think singing along to a good running playlist makes runs that much better!
DeleteHaha, this is too funny. I don't think I'm coordinated enough to chew gum while I run. I've never even tried it because I'm too afraid that I'll choke on it. I do swear a lot though, mostly during the last interval or two of speedwork. It's probably a good thing that I run alone.
ReplyDeleteI did once almost choke on my gum; I've since learned how to avoid inhaling it haha.
DeleteHaha I never spit while running, I've never gotten the urge to and I think I would be terrible at it. I do sing along with my music if I'm listening to it on a run or if I'm running with my roommate we make up random games to play to make the run go by faster.
ReplyDeletePlaying a game while running sounds fun...like eye spy or something!
DeleteThis is funny! I have never spit while running.
ReplyDeleteThe only time I talk while running is to do the "Talk test" to make sure I'm running easy enough (being able to say the pledge of allegiance). But it seems like there are always people around and I'm too afraid of looking like a weirdo.
When I do mile repeats on the track, I have to do a trick so I don't lose count of my laps (the track is 6 laps/mile and losing count is easier than you'd think): when I complete a lap I say the number out loud. This is remarkably effective in helping me keep count, so if peeps think I'm weird, well that's their prob! :-P
I count out loud too! I do it when I make coffee mostly (I count scoops), but when I do intervals I count out loud sometimes too. A friend of mine taught me the rock trick. She leaves a pebble at the end of the track after finishing each interval, so she can just count them!
Deletehaha!! Oh my gosh...I've listened to Celine Dion on runs too LOL. 'That's the Way It Is' is my Celine jam haha ;). "When you want it the most there's no easy way out..." Thanks for the laugh!
ReplyDeleteOooh, I may need to add that one to my CD repertoire!
DeleteThis is great! I definitely use swear words on a regular basis, but they come out a lot more while running. I also eat a lot of bugs. It's good for my high protein diet.
ReplyDeleteI try to keep my swearing down so nothing slips out at school, but I tend to have a foul mouth lol.
DeleteI like the silver-lining of the bug-eating haha.
Too funny. I have swallowed many bugs--extra protein, right? I say my miles out loud on the treadmill, but not outside. I listen to podcasts occasionally when I run, and sometimes I laugh. I am a chatty runner if taking it easy and running with someone!
ReplyDeleteI definitely laugh when listening to podcasts! Drivers probably think I'm crazy!
DeleteI'm right there with you on not being able to spit - I have never mastered it and now I don't even try anymore.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I still try because it's a necessity, but I always end up making a mess!