Thursday, January 3, 2013

Weekly Report: Dec. 24 - 30

I only got two runs in, which makes sense since this was Christmas-week. Not bad mileage for two measly runs, and this week included my beautiful and calming Christmas morning run.

I was visiting my sister early this week, and needed some time off because of the terrible run I had the other day. A packet of antibiotics later and some time to heal some emotional wounds, and I'm feeling ready for some good running for the remainder of the week. Less than 18 days until my next Half, and I still need to really plan out my resolutions for 2013. Post upcoming on that. Promise!



  1. Hey two runs are better than none...great job Ali...can't wait to see your 2013 resolutions post!

    1. So far I haven't had any runs in 2013...need to fix that this evening!
